Advertising from: 1930 – 1950

Old Heineken newspaper ads from 1930s

August 12th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
1936 Ad Heineken's Holland Beer Austin Nichols Alcohol

1936 Ad Heineken's Holland Beer Austin Nichols Alcohol

1936 Ad Heineken's Imported Holland Beer Nichols Austin

1936 Ad Heineken's Imported Holland Beer Nichols Austin

1936 Ad Peer Beer Heineken Holland Austin Nichols Ship

1936 Ad Peer Beer Heineken Holland Austin Nichols Ship

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Coca-Cola vintage wartime advert

July 18th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950

It’s fine old custom – the good-natured initiation of those who cross the equatoe for the first time. In much the same spirit of good-natured fun, people everywhere respond to the fine invitation Have a “Coke”.

Greetings, brother... Have a Coca-Cola... or initiating a new subject of Neptune

Greetings, brother... Have a Coca-Cola... or initiating a new subject of Neptune

Pepsi Cola magazine ads 1940s

July 7th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
1947 Ad Pepsi Cola Robert Day Cartoon Russian Airport

1947 Ad Pepsi Cola Robert Day Cartoon Russian Airport

1945 WWII American Russian Soldiers Pepsi-Cola print ad

1945 WWII American Russian Soldiers Pepsi-Cola print ad

1946 Ad Pepsi Cola Robert Day Cartoon Snack Stand Kiosk

1946 Ad Pepsi Cola Robert Day Cartoon Snack Stand Kiosk

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Pepsi-Cola cartoons from 1940s

March 9th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
Pepsi-Cola couple cartoon 1942

Pepsi-Cola couple cartoon 1942

Pepsi-Cola ship cartoon 1942

Pepsi-Cola ship cartoon 1942

Pepsi-Cola glass eater 1943

Pepsi-Cola glass eater 1943

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Pepsi Cola Cop comic cartoons

March 8th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
Pepsi Cola Cop - Fireman and Elephant 1946

Pepsi Cola Cop - Fireman and Elephant 1946

Pepsi Cola Cop - Feedbag The Horse 1946

Pepsi Cola Cop - Feedbag The Horse 1946

Pepsi Cola Cop - Escaped Gorilla 1946

Pepsi Cola Cop - Escaped Gorilla 1946

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Coca-Cola ads in Nazi Germany

February 25th, 2011   |   6 Comments   |   1930 – 1950

Coca-Cola was one of the three official beverage sponsors with a Getraenkedienst (beverage service) at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Athletic competition was a Nazi ideal and the Coca-Cola GmbH cashed in heavily on this infatuation by becoming one of the biggest sponsors of sports events, most notably the annual Deutschlandrundfahrt (National Bycicle Championships) and the Soccer Cup.

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Getrank (One People, One Nation, One Drink) Olympic Games in Berlin 1936

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Getrank (One People, One Nation, One Drink) Olympic Games in Berlin 1936

Coca-Cola ad Third Reich 1935

Coca-Cola ad Third Reich 1935

Coca-Cola ad Third Reich 1936

Coca-Cola ad Third Reich 1936

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Close cover before striking match

February 25th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
Coca-Cola matchbook 1931

Coca-Cola matchbook 1931

American energy will win!

February 18th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
Pepsi-Cola "The drink with quick food energy" print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola "The drink with quick food energy" print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola American Energy tank mechanic print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola American Energy tank mechanic print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola American Energy ship builder print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola American Energy ship builder print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola American Energy family in kitchen print ad 1942

Pepsi-Cola American Energy family in kitchen print ad 1942

Pepsi Cola “Win A War Bond” ads

February 15th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950
Traffic stop 1943

Traffic stop 1943

Deep sea divers 1943

Deep sea divers 1943

Magician On Stage 1943

Magician On Stage 1943

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Pepsi Cola matchbook covers WWII

February 14th, 2011   |   No Comments   |   1930 – 1950

Since Coca-Cola was already the soft drink of the American military during World War II, Pepsi was trying to get them to change their minds by appealing to the other popular habit of the armed services… smoking.

Old Pepsi Cola military insignia matchbook cover WWII

Old Pepsi Cola military insignia matchbook cover WWII

WWII vintage Pepsi Cola matchbook covers

WWII vintage Pepsi Cola matchbook covers