Coca-Cola around the world, World War II
Wartime Ad Campaigns
“There’s a friendly phrase that speaks the allied language. It’s Have a “Coke.” Friendliness enters the picture when ice-cold Coca-Cola appears. Over tinkling glasses of ice-cold “Coke,” minds meet and hearts are closer together. It’s a happy custom that’s spreading ’round the globe.”
By 1944, Coca-Cola became known as “The Global High Sign.” This ad campaign showed men in uniform together enjoying Coca-Colas. The advertisements reinterpreted friendship and community.
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Large Coca-Cola painting by Andy Warhol
An icon of Pop Art, Large Coca-Cola is the last of four paintings of individual Coca-Cola bottles executed by Warhol in 1961 and 1962, and the largest of the group.
“Large Coca-Cola is a perfect example of the artist’s homage to advertising, highlighting the relationship between big business and the public through an enlarged icon of consumerism.”
Andy Warhol’s Large Coca-Cola will be auctioned in New York on 9 November 2010. The current estimate for the painting is about $25 million.
The cast of the movie “Dinner at eight” in Coca-Cola advert
A masterfully-directed, poignant melodramatic comedy by director George Cukor and producer David O. Selznick, Dinner at Eight (1933) was filled with a tremendous cast of stars, who are all invited to a Manhattan formal dinner party during the height of the Depression. Many of the stars in the film first became known in silent cinema, including John and Lionel Barrymore, and Marie Dressler.
Coca-Cola syrup container
Coca-Cola syrup container from 1906, it was a few years after cocaine was removed from the formula, which was around 1903.
Coca-Cola advertisement via birdseed
In the late 1960’s, Coca Cola spread out a huge amount of birdseed in St. Mark’s Square in the shape of their logo. It was immediately covered/consumed by 100’s of pigeons who clearly spelled out the Coca Cola logo, the aerial publicity photo was taken and it remains a very famous/infamous piece of advertising today.
Coca-Cola – the profit line
It’s the bottler of Los Angeles announcement in the newspaper with a wholesale price list.
Bar-b and Bubble-up brands also belongs to Coca-Cola.
Ice cold Coca-Cola for 7ct
This newspaper ad from 1951 years is really weird, someone was selling ice cold Coca-Cola for 7 cents and getting 2 cents more than the rest of the country.
Maybe this somehow related to these ads from 1947 and 1949, where was 2 cents wartime tax included or maybe not…

1947 Coca Cola advertisement. Illustrated in vibrant color. Includes 2¢ wartime tax special pricing.

1949 Coca Cola advertisement. Illustrated in vivid color at the seaside with an ice cooler below. Price still included the 2¢ wartime tax.
Coca-Cola ads by Gil Elvgren
Gil Elvgren – a student of Haddon Sundblom, Elvgren is perhaps best known for drawing and painting pin-up girls. His style was so similar to Sundblom’s that he could finish paintings that his mentor had started. Working with Sundblom Gil Elvgren contributed to various Coca-Cola ads himself.
The first advertising artwork for Coca-Cola that Elvgren worked on was in 1939. It is a scene of a pilot and a flight attendant in an airport snack bar having a Coca-Cola with a plane flying past the window behind them.